Could you manage your musculoskeletal pain whilst reducing your use of painkillers?

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The LivingCare Group


The LivingCare Group

4 people with different pain

Although we appreciate that this may not be possible for everyone, and how much you feel pain may be different we have put together some key tips that may help reduce your musculoskeletal pain and use of painkillers.

We recommend that you have a conversation with your doctor before any changes in your lifestyle.

There are four key factors that you should consider:

1) Changes in your diet

2) Increase your low-impact exercise

3) Reduce your stresses

4) Consult a physio or doctor

Changes in your diet

By changing your diet to increase the amount of food with anti-inflammatory properties such as ginger, turmeric, garlic, berries, olive oils, fish and seeds.

These foods may improve strength, reduce inflammation and acute joint pain.  Other foods have properties that agitate these.

Increasing the levels of Vitamin C that you consume increases the collagen in your body. This collagen is the main component of bones and this along with calcium help the bone structure.

With more individuals moving to veganism getting calcium from alternative methods to dairy is key. This can be done through eating Kale, Chia Seeds, Spinach and Nuts. These are all high sources of calcium and can easily be added into your diet.

Whilst we focus on adding foods, reducing others are key such as cow's milk, wheat, dairy, caffeine and sugar. These all have inflammatory properties.

Increase your low-impact exercise

Low impact, low intensity exercise helps with movement. It is often a misconception that having musculoskeletal pain you should reduce the amount of exercise. Exercising helps with managing pain and psychological/mental wellbeing.

Undertaking low impact exercise such as Yoga, Walking, Swimming, Pilates or gently using a cross trainer will help.

Avoid high intensity exercise, this will aggravate joints and tissue injury. Listen to your body.

If you suffer pain, stop and speak to a doctor or trainer.

Reduce your stresses

Having pain through injury can cause you stress. Stress management will help the perception of pain and its impact on your lifestyle. Having stress can cause more pressure in your body, it creates tension across your body in your muscles.

Reduce your stresses by undertaking breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and meditation.

Consult a Physio or Doctor

Speak to a physiotherapist about your condition and they may be able to suggest a range of activities that may ease pain and help you manage your condition.

Any unexplained pain you need to contact your doctor. Never ignore unexplained pain.

How can LivingCare help?

LivingCare can provide a range of services that may help. We have imaging, doctor and can arrange on site physiotherapy to support you manage your pain.

We work with professional sports clubs and athletes across Yorkshire. Our advice is sought to help manage conditions across a range of patient groups.  You can trust us too.