
Fundus Photography

Fundus photography captures detailed images of your retina's surface, helping monitor eye health and detect conditions early for optimal treatment planning.

Fundus Photography

Fundus Photography


What is Fundus Photography?

Fundus photography is a specialised method of medical imaging that captures detailed photographs of the eye's interior surface, including the retina, optic disc, macula and posterior pole. This non-invasive procedure is essential for documenting eye health and monitoring changes over time. The images provide a permanent record of your eye's condition and are particularly valuable for tracking various eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and macular degeneration.

The procedure is recommended for comprehensive eye examinations, especially for patients with existing eye conditions, diabetes, high blood pressure or a family history of eye diseases. Its primary benefit lies in early detection and consistent monitoring of eye health changes.

How Fundus Photography Works

During fundus photography, a specialised high-resolution camera system mounted on a microscope takes detailed photographs of your retina and other internal eye structures. The camera uses sophisticated optics to navigate through your pupil and illuminate the retina. Modern fundus cameras can capture both colour images and specialised filtered photographs that highlight particular aspects of eye health.

The equipment may also use split-second flashes of light to capture the best possible image quality, allowing your eye care professional to examine intricate details of your retinal blood vessels, nerves and tissues.

What to Expect When Receiving Fundus Photography


  • Your pupils may need to be dilated with eye drops
  • You'll be asked about any relevant medical history
  • If receiving dilation drops, the process takes about 15-20 minutes to work


  • You'll sit in front of the fundus camera
  • You'll be asked to look at a fixed point while photos are taken
  • Several images may be needed to capture different areas of your retina
  • Brief flashes of light will occur as photos are taken
  • The actual photography takes only a few minutes


  • If your pupils were dilated, your vision might be blurry and sensitive to light for 4-6 hours
  • You'll receive protective sunglasses if your eyes were dilated
  • Your eye care professional will review the images with you

Risks and Complications of Fundus Photography

The procedure itself is very safe with minimal risks:

  • No physical contact with your eye is required
  • The flash photography is safe and won't damage your eyes
  • If dilation drops are used, you may experience:
    • Temporary light sensitivity
    • Blurred near vision
    • Slight stinging when drops are applied

These effects are temporary and typically resolve within 4-6 hours.

How to Recover Following Fundus Photography

Recovery depends on whether pupil dilation was required:

Without dilation:

  • Return to normal activities immediately
  • No special care needed

With dilation:

  • Wear provided sunglasses when outdoors
  • Avoid driving for 4-6 hours if possible
  • Avoid detailed near work (reading, computer use) until vision clears
  • Wait for pupils to return to normal size before resuming all activities


Cardiff University: Retinal Photography

NHS Mid Cheshire: Ophthalmic Imaging

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Common Questions Relating to Fundus Photography

Can I drive home after fundus photography?

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Will I need the day off work?

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How often should I have fundus photography?

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Do I need to prepare for fundus photography?

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Will the camera touch my eye?

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  • 1

    Get in Touch

    Give us a call or use our contact form to get in touch with us. After receiving your referral, we will contact you to arrange a suitable time and date for your appointment.

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    We Contact You

    Within 24 hours, a member of our team will offer you an appointment date and time that suits you. Following the scheduling of your appointment, you will be required to attend one of our clinics for your consultation or scan.

  • 3

    Attend Your Appointment

    Attend your appointment on your chosen date and time to see one of our highly qualified consultants. After your appointment, a consultant will prepare a written report, which will be sent to your referring clinician within 48 hours.

  • 4

    Aftercare and Follow-Up

    If you require any further tests, treatments, or reviews, we will refer you and take care of the booking process. If you need a copy of your report or images, please contact us, and we can arrange this.

Ways to pay

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With our self-pay service, there are no waiting lists—consultations are offered within 24 hours, with treatment within a week. All costs, including tests or scans, are quoted upfront with no obligation to proceed. Visit our Prices page for full details.

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Medical Insurance

If using medical insurance, contact your provider to confirm coverage for all treatment stages before your first appointment. You’ll need a referral letter from your GP for a private procedure at The LivingCare Group. Once you have it, either you or your GP can book your first appointment with us.

Fundus Photography

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