
Visual Fields Test

Visual field testing maps your complete field of vision, helping detect early signs of eye conditions through quick, non-invasive assessment.

Visual Fields Test

Visual Fields Test


What is a Visual Fields Test?

A visual field test is a diagnostic procedure for assessing peripheral (side) vision. It helps detect blind spots and areas of reduced vision, which indicate conditions such as glaucoma, optic nerve damage, or neurological disorders.

This test benefits individuals at risk of eye diseases, those experiencing unexplained vision changes, or patients with conditions affecting the brain, such as strokes or tumours.

How a Visual Fields Test Works

A visual field test is typically conducted using an automated machine that maps your field of vision. The test involves:

  • Focusing on a central point while lights or objects appear in your peripheral vision.
  • Pressing a button whenever you detect a light stimulus.
  • A comparison of responses between both eyes to detect any abnormalities.

Sometimes, a manual technique called confrontation testing may be used instead. The entire process is painless and takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes.

What to Expect When Receiving a Visual Fields Test

Before: No special preparation is required, however, if you wear glasses or contact lenses, you should bring them along.

During: You will sit in front of the testing device and respond to visual stimuli. The test is non-invasive and does not require pupil dilation.

After: Results are reviewed by an ophthalmologist, who will discuss any detected abnormalities and recommend further investigation or treatment if necessary.

Risks and Complications of a Visual Fields Test

A visual field test is completely safe and non-invasive. The only potential issue is mild eye strain or fatigue from concentrating on the test. There are no long-term risks or side effects associated with this procedure.

How to Recover Following a Visual Fields Test

No recovery is needed after a visual field test. If your results indicate concerns, your specialist will guide you on the next steps, including further testing or treatment options.


NHS: Eye Tests

Glaucoma UK

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Visual Fields Test FAQs

How long does a visual field test take?

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Does the test hurt?

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Can I drive after the test?

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What happens if the test detects a problem?

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    Get in Touch

    Give us a call or use our contact form to get in touch with us. After receiving your referral, we will contact you to arrange a suitable time and date for your appointment.

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    We Contact You

    Within 24 hours, a member of our team will offer you an appointment date and time that suits you. Following the scheduling of your appointment, you will be required to attend one of our clinics for your consultation or scan.

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    Attend Your Appointment

    Attend your appointment on your chosen date and time to see one of our highly qualified consultants. After your appointment, a consultant will prepare a written report, which will be sent to your referring clinician within 48 hours.

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    Aftercare and Follow-Up

    If you require any further tests, treatments, or reviews, we will refer you and take care of the booking process. If you need a copy of your report or images, please contact us, and we can arrange this.

Ways to pay

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Self Pay

With our self-pay service, there are no waiting lists—consultations are offered within 24 hours, with treatment within a week. All costs, including tests or scans, are quoted upfront with no obligation to proceed. Visit our Prices page for full details.

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Medical Insurance

If using medical insurance, contact your provider to confirm coverage for all treatment stages before your first appointment. You’ll need a referral letter from your GP for a private procedure at The LivingCare Group. Once you have it, either you or your GP can book your first appointment with us.

Visual Fields Test

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