
John Hutchinson

Consultant Hepatologist

John Hutchinson


Dr Hutchinson is a Consultant Hepatologist at Mid YorkshireTeaching NHS Trust (MYTT).  He graduated from the University of LeedsMedical School in 2003 and completed his PhD in 2016. During the completion ofhis post graduate training in Yorkshire, he spent a year on the livertransplant unit in Leeds. Dr Hutchinson spent 3 years as a ConsultantHepatologist at York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals helping establish theliver service there before moving to MYTT in 2019, where he has developed theHepatology service. He is actively engaged in clinical research and iscurrently the principal investigator on several hepatology clinical researchtrials at MYTT and was an author on the UK adult liver transplantation guidelines.Dr Hutchinson is a specialist in identifying and managing individuals at riskof liver fibrosis/ damage and those with chronic liver disease.

At Living Care, he can help you with investigations andtreatments aimed at:

• Identifying and managing patients at risk of liver fibrosis/damage

• Identifying and managing patients with chronic liver disease

• Identifying and managing patients with abnormal liver enzymelevels on blood testing

• Gastroscopy (Endoscopy)

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